Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sandoval Family Essay - 1131 Words

Chicano written by Richard Vasquez is a novel that shows how the American culture affects the Mexican society as well as many other societies in our community. The Sandoval family migrates into California knowing that they have a chance to start their lives over and they want more than what Old Mexico had to offer. America is into consumption, and the Sandoval family was bombarded by it. They were aware of the fact when they arrived in America, but in Mexico they were not aware of the other cultures and traditions out there. The Sandoval family was content with what they had in Mexico. But upon arrival they realized that the more they step into the American culture, the more they want. One can see the detrimental effects of American†¦show more content†¦Both Neftali and Alicia live like his ideal traditional family that he imagined. Both Angie and Pete want more then their parents and they just aren’t content with the way their life is now. Angie is limited to opportunities because she is the first-born girl. Pete becomes more exposed to opportunities after going to the army. They want to get out of the country and live in the city. â€Å"I’ve had it and Im getting the hell out of here, and if you guys are smart, you wont come back† (88). They believe that they are becoming limited by the choices they have because they spent all of their time and money to make there parents happy and help run the invaluable store. Angie and Pete both want more in their life and not just to help support an unsuccessful shop with their hard earned money. Angie wants to become a businesswoman and not play the role of wife. She is the first generation of children born in America. Her family is very disappointed that their first child is a girl. Angie later marries Julio Salazar, a very abusive and controlling person. But the marriage is not a bonding of hearts but more of a business relationship. He is a very abusive man who has cheated many people. Angie sees that she has power over Julio. â€Å"Take him. The no-good-son-of-a-bitch. This isn’t the first time, or the second or third or fourth. He comes in smelling like a French perfume Factory every night, spending money, and slapping me around. Yes,Show MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Oldest Son Of The Sandoval Family1262 Words   |  6 PagesDebster Sandoval, the oldest son of the Sandoval Family has just reached his 18th birthday. He is a taller, average athletically built young man with light skin, green eyes, and dark hair. The family are of middle class income and live in a single family home outside of Houston, Tx with access to a great public high school where Debster just graduated from. The family consists of father Elijah, mother Rachel, and middle school aged daughter Adrienne. 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