Sunday, December 29, 2019

Police Officers And Its Effects On The Workplace - 1026 Words

Police officers clearly face consequences for not making enough arrests, but they also have indirect financial incentives to make arrests, such as potential promotions. Police officers don’t get more direct incentives, such as commissions, from making an arrest, but if an arrest occurs towards the end of their shift they can get overtime pay. That case can also lead to more overtime pay if their court appearance is scheduled at an off duty hour. Consequently, one officer told The Nation about how the police radio is often silent for periods of time until minutes before their shifts change. Numerous petty arrests are then heard over the scanners. Some officers even list other officers as witnesses who had little or nothing to do with the†¦show more content†¦They also created mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. Consequently, anyone who supports the drug war isn’t truly â€Å"tough on crime.† Mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses often result in violent offenders gaining early release before non-violent drug offenders because many violent crimes don’t have the same mandatory minimum sentences. These kinds of bureaucratic policies have taken away a judge’s most important duty and manufactured an overpopulated prison system. In addition, mandatory minimum sentences are actually much harsher than the â€Å"tough on crime† crowd realizes, according Judge Mark W. Bennett, a federal district judge in Iowa. Drug cases take up 56% of his docket. â€Å"Northwest Iowa is one of the most conservative regions in the country, and these are people who, for the most part, think judges are too soft on crime. Yet, for all the times I’ve asked jurors after a drug conviction what they think a fair sentence would be, never has one given a figure even close to the mandatory minimum. It is always far lower,† says Bennett. TV and movies have crafted an unrealistic image of the criminal justice system. Our court system actually operates with the speed of the fast

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Online E Commerce Sales A Important Role By Becoming An...

Introduction Technology plays a significant role by becoming an innovative phenomenon that gradually engages with the fashion retail industry. Most of the fashion retailers in the industry have undertaken the strategies to go beyond the servicing customers via the salespersons through the adoption of the technology devices like the tablet computers that provide towards consumer services. E-retail distribution was established through the proposal that was designed to save a considerable amount of money while proving all the features that it is required for the online E-commerce sales. The e-retailing involves the sale of the products and services through the internet where it includes the business to business, subscriptions to the website content, business to consumer as well as the goods and services through advertising/marketing. In order to succeed, e-retailing needs the business to the tailor traditional business models to the rapid changes in the face of the users as well as the internet. The electronic retailing needs most products and services displays as well as specifications in order to provide the shoppers with the personal feeling for the look as well as the quality of the offerings without the requirement of the present in the store. In order to be successful at electronic retailing, there should be strong branding, engaging, and regularly updated to attain the customer’s changes demands and made easily maneuverable. Goods and services need be designed andShow MoreRelatedIT Strategy for New Supermarket in Huddersfield, UK3343 Words   |  13 Pagesto include some sort of new, innovative IT strategies within the operating and marketing capacities, whether that business is a small single location or a massive chain of retail stores across a vast area. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Health and Social Free Essays

Hollie Kelly- D1 Justify how the two-day diet plan meets the dietary needs of the two service uses Type-two diabetes Roger I have transformed Rogers two day diet plan to ensure he does not take in low carbohydrates as they are high in fats. I have only used complex carbohydrates to form part of Roger’s diet. I have tried to keep Rogers diet low in fat and sugar with only obtaining a small amount of fat and sugar in his two-day diet plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Health and Social or any similar topic only for you Order Now In general, people with type 2 diabetes have a lifespan that is five to ten years less than those without the disease. The most common long-term effect of type 2 diabetes is damage to blood vessels. Because of this, diabetics are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease, which can result in blocked arteries, and eventually lead to a stroke or heart attack. The main cause of death in type 2 diabetes sufferers is cardiovascular disease and associated complications. Obese Susan I have transformed Susan’s two-day diet plan to ensure her calorie intake isn’t as high as it was. I have maintained a balanced diet that should fill her up for both days. I have ensured her intake of fats and sugar is to a minimum. I have balanced out her intake of dairy products, carbohydrates and protein so it helps her lose weight faster to obtain a healthy lifestyle. Obesity can reduce your life expectancy by up to 9 years and many chronic diseases can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight. Being overweight can also put extra pressure on joints and limbs, making activity quite difficult and sometimes any movement at all can be painful. Other physical problems caused by obesity are that obese women who become pregnant have a higher risk pregnancy that than of a healthy weight. How to cite Health and Social, Papers